Housing Stabilization
Housing Stabilization Services is Medicaid program aimed at helping people with disabilities

Housing Stabilization Services (HSS)

Housing Stabilization Services is Medicaid program aimed at helping people with disabilities and the elderly find affordable housing. The purpose of these services is to:

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Support an individual's transition into housing
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Increase long-term stability in housing in the community
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Avoid future periods of homelessness or institutionalization

A person can use housing access coordination to move to his or her own home from any of the following settings:

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Family or corporate adult foster care homes
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Institutions for Mental Diseases (IMD)
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Intensive rehabilitation treatment and rule 36 settings
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Intermediate care facilities for persons with developmental disabilities (ICF/DD)
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Nursing facilities
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Registered housing with services establishments (e.g., customized living)
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Unlicensed settings (e.g., a person’s own home or family home).


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Qualified recipients must be receiving Medical Assistance (MA), be 18 or older, and have disabilities or are seniors (65 and older) who require assistance to find and/or keep housing
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Qualified recipients must have a disability or disabling condition, face housing instability and have the need for services due to limitations caused by the individual's disability

A person’s own home

is a setting that he or she owns, rents or leases that is not operated, owned or leased by a provider of services or supports. The person has full control of his/her housing and choice of service provider.

Housing stabilization Services is delivered in three stages:  Housing Consultation and Transition & Sustaining.

Housing Consultation

is the initial stage where individual and housing specialist and meet and develop housing focused person-centered plan.

Housing Transition

is the stage where one works with housing specialist to search and find an apartment, town home or house of your choosing.

Housing Sustaining

is the stage where one continues to work with a housing specialist to maintain housing. The housing specialist will stay a support resource to help you navigate housing needs such as paying bills & finding resources for housing and non-housing related needs.