Our Services
We offer a variety of non-medical services to help you and your loved ones


We offer homemaking services that can make a big difference in the life of an senior or disabled person. Homemakers come to a participant’s home to assist with household tasks that keep the client safely in the home.

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Light housekeeping
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Arranging for transportation
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Meal preparation

Adult Companion

Adult companion helps a person work toward a therapeutic or community integration goal in his or her support plan.

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Attend a movie with the person to practice coping skills to manage their social anxiety.
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Go with the person to a community event to reduce his or her social isolation.
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Play a board game with the person to enhance his or her fine motor skills.

Respite Care

Respite is a short-term service when you cannot care for yourself, and your primary live-in caregiver needs relief. It’s important for caregivers, especially family members, to take a break and regain their strength from time to time. Our staff will take over the caregiver’s duties to ensure the patient’s continuity of health.

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Arrange Transportation to Family Gatherings and Social Functions.
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Assistance with ADLs.
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Organize the Client’s Appointments and Schedule.
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Maintaining a Safe Living Environment for the Client.

Individual Community Living Support (ICLS)

Individual Community Living Support (ICLS) is a new service available to Elderly Waiver and Alternative Care clients. It is an “all-inclusive” service designed to cover general care for elderly clients without needing to spread individual services across several providers.

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Problem solving the person’s concerns related to daily living.
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Reduce the person’s reliance on human assistance.
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Assisting with cleaning, meal planning/preparation, and shopping for household/personal needs.
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Maintaining a Safe Living Environment for the Client.

Independent Living Skills (ILS)

The job of an ILS staff is to help a person maintain and improve community-living skills. These includes developing and maintaining the skills necessary to participate and become integrated in the community he or she lives in, as well as live independently at home.

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Communicating effectively
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Reducing and eliminating inappropriate or disruptive behavior
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Sensory/motor development
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Supported Living Services (SLS)

Supported Living Services are provided for people on the Developmental Disability (DD) waiver to increase their ability to live in their own home.

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Bed making and household chores.
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Eating and the preparation of food.
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Personal grooming and cleanliness.
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Night Supervision

We offer night supervision, especially to individuals with chronic illness and mental health conditions to ensure that they are safe and their needs are addressed promptly and properly since we never know when emergencies or urgent situations occur.

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Carrying out a person’s positive support programming and transition plans.
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Reinforcing independent living skills training and other skill development supports.
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Achieve his/her full potential.
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Increase his/her independence.

Employment Exploration Services

This program is for those exploring the possibility of working in the community. Employment Exploration allows people to tour job sites, conduct job trials and gain volunteer experience.

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Educational visits to community businesses and information interviews.
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Job shadowing and try-outs at community business partner locations.
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Volunteer experiences at local non-profits.

Individualized Home Supports

Individualized home supports (IHS) are services that provide support for people who live in their own home or their family’s home. There are three different types of IHS services: Without Training, With Training and With Family Training. Individualized home supports can be provided in the person’s own home, family’s home or in the community, and either in person or remotely.

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Community participation.
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Health, safety and Wellness.
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Adaptive skills.
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Household management.

Positive Support Services (PSS)

We offer Positive Support Services to assist individuals in achieving their goals and to reduce actions that may compromise independence. Increasing adaptive coping behaviors and reducing those behaviors that hold individuals back from their goals in the community is the focus of this service. Positive support services can be provided to clients in all types of settings including licensed residential programs and facilities, assisted living and in the community.

Whether someone is receiving mental health, housing, education, disability, or any other services aimed at enhancing their quality of life, positive support:

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Capitalizes on an individual's distinct strengths, assets, interests, expectations, cultures, and goals.
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Respects the rights and individuality of each person while offering effective solutions.

24-Hour Emergency Assistance

This service offers crisis prevention support to clients who live in the community. Individuals receiving 24-Hour Emergency Assistance have phone contact and physical meetings with professional staff. Additionally, clients have 24 hour access to staff in order to address emergency needs including but not limited to: on-call counseling, problem solving, or an immediate response to health care or personal emergency.

Frequently Asked Question

What is home health care?

“Home health” refers to medical services provided at the patient’s residence. The residence can be a private home or assisted living facility. The home health services typically include in-home aide/caregiver/home health worker.

Who can receive home health services?

Individuals of all ages and with a variety of health care needs can receive home health services. As the name implies, home health is for people who require assistance from a health care professional at home. Medicare, Medicaid, and insurance companies require medical orders from a physician before care can be initiated.If you feel that you or a loved one may benefit from home health, we are only a phone call away.

A member of our experienced staff can work with you and your physician to determine if home health is right for you.If you prefer to be contacted via e-mail, please contact us and we will promptly reply to your request.

Who pays for home Heath?

Medicare, Medicaid and many private insurance plans have a home health benefit. A brief summary is listed under Paying for Home Health. Additionally, our expert financial staff can help you understand your coverage provisions and will contact your insurance company to determine your specific benefits.

What are the different screening process for staff hiring?

The staff must complete the following screening processes:

Thorough interview processState and federal background checksDrug testingComprehensive personal and professional reference checksSubmission of current licenseCompetency evaluationsComplete health assessment

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Thorough interview process
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State and federal background checks
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Drug testing
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Comprehensive personal and professional reference checks
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Submission of current license
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Competency evaluations
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Complete health assessment

Are the home health workers/ caregivers insured while coming to my home?

Yes. All staff members are fully insured. In addition, all are fully bonded against theft.

Do you work with my doctor, other professionals and family members in developing a plan of care?

If you require care beyond that associated with activities of daily living, your doctor or other professionals ought to be involved. Most agencies will work directly with your doctor, other professionals and family members in arranging and planning for your care.

How do you supervise your home health workers/caregivers to make sure proper care is given to clients?

Our agency makes scheduled quality assurance calls and visits. To further ensure quality care, see that all visiting and live-in caregivers are regularly and closely supervised by a qualified company representative.

Do you conduct a home visit before starting the home care services?

When choosing the home care services that are right for you, it is important that the client and family members discuss the kind of care needed with a home care representative. This will help you determine whether the visiting private caregiver can meet your needs.fa-arrow

Join us for a rewarding team experience.
Our jobs are deeply meaningful and rewarding. We are always looking for compassionate and energetic caregivers to join us.